Legal Resources/ Advice, DLA/PIP

    IPSEA (Independent Parental Special Education Advice) :: Free impartial SEN advice. 

    Disability Rights UK

    SOS! SEN

    SENTAS:: Free, Impartial SEN Transport Advisors. 

    School Exclusions Advice. 

    Disabled Children: A Legal Handbook:: Free to download from Council for Disabled Children. Written by a SEN Solicitor.

David Wolfe’s Noddy Guide to Case Law 

Legal Legislation 

    SEND Code of Practice (SENCoP)

    Children and Families Act 2014 (CAFA)

    Chronic, Sick and Disabled Persons Act

    Children’s Act 1989

    Education Act 2011

    Medical Needs in School Statutory Guidance 

    The Autism Act 2009 (relates to Adults) 

    Care Act 2014

    NHS Act 2006

    Mental Capacity Act 2005

    SEN Regulations 2014

    Pupil Registration Regulations 

Useful Links/Websites 

    BIBIC:: BIBIC offers private sensory and specific difficulties assessments. Based near Taunton, Somerset. They do not diagnose. 

    Auditory Processing Disorder UK (APD):: APD is not a hearing problem, it’s difficulties in processing spoken/ verbal information. Lots of information on Sensory Processing Disorder and Executive Functions. 

    Sensory Spectacle:: Sensory Processing training and support. Available nationally. 

    Cerebra:: Offering sleep advice, sensory library hire, and local training events. 

    SENSE Charity. :: Supporting those with visual/ hearing Needs. 

    National Parent Support Services 

    National Deaf Children’s Society 

    Help 4 Psychology 

    ADHD Foundation 

    Cerebra Public Services Toolkit:: Jargon-free information on how to access and succeed with Public Services: Local Authorities, NHS, Children’s Services, etc

    Cerebra Parent Guides:: Lots! Including Anxiety, Social Care, Transport, Parental Rights, and Carers’ Rights. 

    HOPE (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively) :: Run various courses across the country. I highly recommend it. Exeter, Plymouth, Torbay, and North Devon all do the Parent Carers Of ASD/ADHD children ones. 

    Autistic Girls- Flying Under the Radar. :: A very Informative piece by NASEN. 

    Council for Disabled Children

    CAFCASS:: Children and Families Court Advisory Support Services 

DLA Resources 

    NAS (National Autistic Society) DLA Guide

    Cerebra DLA Guide

    DLA Assessors Guide 

Grants and Funding 

    Disability Facilities Grant 

    Family Fund

    Merlins Wand

    Disability Grants Information